
How to Tell When You Need a New Clutch

February 5th, 2020 by

Is Your Third Pedal Giving You Trouble? Transmission Technicians in North Massapequa, New York have done their fair share of clutch replacements and repairs, and know all too well the signs and symptoms of a failing clutch. However, to help you keep an eye and ear out, pay attention to the following seven signs of

Tips to Mastering a Manual Transmission

September 25th, 2019 by

How to Drive a Stick Shift If you haven’t driven a manual transmission before, you probably have a lot of concerns about how it will go. The last thing you want is to stall out in the middle of traffic, but don’t let that intimidate you! Transmission Technicians in North Massapequa, New York has a

Why Transmissions Need Rebuilds

July 25th, 2019 by

Intro to Transmission Repair The transmission is a complex, mystical machine. With so many moving parts, it’s difficult to grasp how it works and why it breaks. A good place to start is by understanding the relationship between the engine and transmission, and with that, the differences of speed and torque. Speed & Torque Engine

Advice from the Transmission Technicians

November 28th, 2018 by

When was the last time you got in your car and wondered how its transmission was doing? It probably isn’t the first thing on your mind. If you are like most drivers, you might not even be exactly sure what your transmission is doing every time you get on the road, but don’t worry! These

What is a CVT and How Does it Work?

August 31st, 2018 by

Continuously Variable Transmission A Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) is a type of automatic transmission, although it is noticeably different than a conventional automatic you might be used to. The CVT does not need to rev at different speeds through changing gears like other transmissions to accelerate. Rather, it accelerates steadily and powerfully to save on

When is it time for a new transmission?

December 27th, 2017 by

When is it time for a new transmission? The lifespan of transmissions can vary, depending on the vehicle and how well maintenance is kept up with. With estimates ranging for 100,000 miles to 200,000 miles, it can be hard to tell when you may need a new transmission- if you do at all. Below are

Manual vs Automatic: What’s Better?

September 28th, 2017 by

There’s a long-standing argument amongst automotive enthusiasts of what’s better – manual or automatic transmission? Think of it like a NY sports fan: Jets or Giants? Yankees or Mets? It’s likely that you emphatically root for one team and detest the other. Well, that’s what we’re talking about when it comes to choosing a transmission

Transmission Fluid Change: When? Why? How?

June 30th, 2017 by

A lot of times when people think about car maintenance they think “how important is it- really?” Whether you’re talking about the engine, transmission, brake, etc- it is important to know what is important! A common question is “Is it important to change my car’s transmission fluid?” The simple answer – yes. The confusion comes